Daily Quests

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Daily Quests are a pretty decent way to make some gold every day.

After you complete the prereqs your good to go for your daily gold fix.


Sha'tari Skyguard

The prereq is killing some ogres in the hills by shatt. Extremely easy. Anyone can do it.

[70] Fires Over Skettis
[70] Escape from Skettis


Now the Prereqs for this are a pain. Its 3 5 man quests to kill sons of gruul. Followed by another 2. So a total of 5 5 man Quests. Its not to hard to find a group and 4 of the quests are in Blades Edge Mountains. Its definitely worth it. It has many easy Daily Quests.

[70] The Relic's Emanation
After honored and prerequisite quests
[70] Banish More Demons

Sha'tari Skyguard and Ogri'la shared quests

[70] Bomb Them Again

This ones a bit hard if you aren't a druid or have an epic flying mount.

Best way to do it is to walk up to the piles of bombs. Mount up on the flying mount throw the bomb and instantly dismount. If done right this prevents the flak cannons from shooting at you.

If you are a druid you can just fly and re shift after your hit just fly high enough to not enter combat with any mobs.

[70] Wrangle More Aether Rays!

Also if you have 300 Flying You can get dailys from the Netherwing faction in SMV.

Its a easy solo Quest chain with a 5 man quest at the end. (4 maned it my self pretty easy)

Quest chain starts at a BE standing in the Netherwing fields.

You can also check out my other blogs on Pro Gaming Gear and All day Energy with little sleep.